BS5422 2023 Calculated Thicknesses
If you require calculated thicknesses for other applications please get in touch with us and we will be happy to help.
Supaphen Phenolic Foam calculated to comply with BS5422 2023 Hot Water at 60C and Low Temp Heating Water - standard & enhanced thicknesses. Also Supaphen Phenolic Foam calculated to comply with BS5422 2023 recommendations for Cold / Chilled Water to Control Heat Gain & provide Condensation Control.
Application on Chilled and Cold Water, non Domestic Hot Water and Heating Pipework Systems.
Installation – to comply with the requirements of BS5970:2012 Code of practice for the thermal insulation of pipe work.
Before applying insulation, the surface to be insulated should be dry and free from scale and contamination. Insulation should be as close fitting as possible to the pipe surface. Water ingress into the insulation system should be prevented.
In the case of Stainless steel pipe work precautions should be taken to avoid any moisture ingress and the presence of water soluble chlorides. “To provide protection, aluminium foil of not less than 0.06mm should be applied to the stainless steel surface so that the insulation can be applied over the foil.”
All foil faced pipe section and pipe supports should be fully sealed at the longitudinal and circumferential joints with a matching aluminium foil tape. Elbows and fittings should be mitred or fabricated at site ensuring uniform thickness and snug fit, particularly on cold/chilled water to ensure continuous integrity of the vapour barrier.
Any external, low level and plant room insulation should be protected from weather/UVR/mechanical damage using appropriate site applied cladding/jacketing.
On cold and chilled water pipe work insulated phenolic pipe support blocks should be used to ensure continuity of the vapour barrier/thermal insulation.
Pipe supports – Supaphen heavy density phenolic, bore coated, foil faced pipe support blocks, provided with a half metal sleeve, properties per MW Insulations data sheet.